首页> 外文期刊>Gender in Management >The role of cultural values in understanding the challenges faced by female entrepreneurs in Nigeria

The role of cultural values in understanding the challenges faced by female entrepreneurs in Nigeria


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Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to examine the challenges female entrepreneurs face in therndevelopment of their business in the context of Nigeria. In so doing, it addresses a gap in the literature onrnthe experiences of female entrepreneurs in a non-Western context and acknowledges the contributionrnthat women make in this area of work.rnDesign/methodology/approach - The paper draws on survey data from 274 female entrepreneursrncurrently engaged in their businesses in three states - Lagos (Nigeria's largest city), Ogun and Oyornwithin the South West of Nigeria.rnFindings - Results indicate that female entrepreneurs are generally confident and resourceful andrnthat they enjoy the challenge of entrepreneurial activity. As in the West, they experience difficultiesrnrelating to family commitments and access to finance - as well as problems gaining acceptancernand accessing networks.rnOriginality/value - It is argued that cultural values specific to the situation mean that thesernchallenges, while common to female entrepreneurs in other national contexts, "play out" differentiallyrnand that they are experienced with different levels of depth and "intensity". It is also argued that futurernresearch might uncover at a deeper level and drawing on qualitative methodology how some of thernfactors identified are experienced in women's day-to-day lives. The paper suggests some policyrnimplications in the form of support for female entrepreneurs in this context.



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