首页> 外文期刊>Gender in Management >Feminizing the boardroom:A study of the effects of corporatization on the number and status of women directors in New Zealand companies

Feminizing the boardroom:A study of the effects of corporatization on the number and status of women directors in New Zealand companies


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Purpose - Changes to government policy, deregulation and corporatization in New Zealand haverninfluenced the number and status of women on boards of directors. Using company records, archivalrnmaterial and interviews, this paper seeks to examine gender equity on boards of directors inrnNew Zealand and compare the progress of women on the boards of corporate companies in the privaternsector with those on crown company boards in the public sector.rnDesign/methodology/approach - The paper includes interview material from women who havernsuccessfully achieved directorships and examines the approaches they adopted. The paper usesrncompany records and interviews to achieve this aim.rnFindings - While increasing numbers of New Zealand women are entering the business arena, theyrncontinue to be underrepresented in the boardrooms and there exists a clear disparity between genderrnrepresentation on the boards of crown and corporate companies with women being disadvantagedrnin the private sector.rnOriginality/value - The paper outlines some positive steps to assist women in the bid for corporaterndirectorship, but suggests that the challenge of changing corporate and societal attitudes remains.
机译:目的-新西兰政府政策的变化,放松管制和公司化改变了董事会中女性的人数和地位。本文使用公司记录,档案材料和访谈资料,旨在研究新西兰董事会中的性别平等,并比较私营部门公司公司董事会和公共部门皇冠公司董事会中女性的进步。 /方法-本文包含成功获得董事职位的女性的访谈材料,并研究了她们采用的方法。本文使用公司记录和访谈来实现这一目标。研究结果-尽管越来越多的新西兰女性进入商业舞台,但她们在董事会中的代表人数仍然不足,而且皇冠上的性别代表与拥有公司的公司之间存在明显的差距。妇女在私营部门中处于不利地位。原始性/价值-本文概述了一些积极的步骤来协助妇女争取公司董事职位,但建议改变公司和社会态度仍然面临挑战。



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