首页> 外文期刊>Gender in Management >Developing women's career competencies through an EMBA

Developing women's career competencies through an EMBA


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Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to report a qualitative study with British women managers, which explored the career competencies accrued from undertaking an Executive MBA (EMBA). Design/methodology/approach - The research drew on in-depth interviews with a sample of 18 female alumni from three British business schools. Data were analyzed using NVivo 8.0. within the career-competencies framework of Knowing-how, Knowing-why and Knowing-whom. Findings - Women aged between 30 and 34 years emphasized the importance of gaining confidence (Knowing-why) and skills (Knowing-how) while those aged between 35 and 45 years focused on developing networks (Knowing-whom). This study suggests that age and career stage may have considerable impact on perceptions of acquired career competencies. Research limitations/implications - This is an exploratory piece with limited generalisability; however, it exposes the need to clarify the concept of career stage for women. Practical implications - Business schools have historically stressed the career benefits of MBA programmes in terms of improved capital and of changing career directions. This research indicates that an EMBA may offer a more level playing field for women with respect to networking activities. In the competitive global environment, business schools may benefit from more fully exploring career competencies, such as networking skills, for increasing the appeal of EMBA programmes. The paper also draws attention to the need for HR managers to increase efforts for improving women's career competencies. Originality/value - Findings extend previous research on the development of career competencies from an EMBA, indicating the importance of developing networks, particularly at mid-career. The paper highlights the need to redefine women's mid-career stage.
机译:目的-本文的目的是报告与英国女性经理人进行的定性研究,该研究探索了获得高级MBA(EMBA)所获得的职业能力。设计/方法/方法-该研究对来自三所英国商学院的18名女校友进行了深入访谈。使用NVivo 8.0分析数据。在“知道如何”,“为什么知道”和“知道谁”的职业能力框架内。调查结果-30至34岁之间的女性强调获得自信(为什么知道)和技能(诀窍)的重要性,而35至45岁之间的女性则专注于发展网络(知道谁的知识)。这项研究表明,年龄和职业阶段可能会对获得的职业能力观念产生重大影响。研究局限性/含义-这是一个探索性文章,具有广泛的通用性;但是,它暴露了需要澄清女性职业阶段的概念。实际意义-商学院历史上一直在强调MBA课程的职业利益,即提高资本和改变职业方向。这项研究表明,就网络活动而言,EMBA可以为女性提供更高层次的竞争环境。在竞争激烈的全球环境中,商学院可能会从更充分地探索职业能力(例如网络技能)中受益,以提高EMBA计划的吸引力。该文件还提请注意人力资源经理需要加大力度提高妇女的职业能力。原创性/价值-研究结果扩展了EMBA对以前职业能力发展的研究,表明发展网络的重要性,尤其是在职业中期。该论文强调了重新定义女性职业中期的必要性。



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