首页> 外文期刊>Futures >Mastering futures literacy in higher education: An evaluation of learning outcomes and instructional design of a faculty development program

Mastering futures literacy in higher education: An evaluation of learning outcomes and instructional design of a faculty development program


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Futures Literacy (FL) is a capability yet to take root within the context of Higher Education (HE). As HE is increasingly addressing complex societal issues, developing FL can be important for both HE students and faculty. This study evaluates a faculty development program that sets out to build FL within the context of HE. The aim is twofold. First, it explores to what extent participants developed the program's three learning outcomes concerning FL: enhanced perception, embracing complexity and new sense of agency. Second, it evaluates participants' perceived value of the program's instructional strategies and design. Measurement tools were a survey based on Wenger's value creation model and a selection of open-ended reflectional exercises. A first exploration of the data indicates all participants reported development in one or more FL learning outcomes. They also show that the program's instructional strategies and design supported participants in their learning. Further study is needed to understand the working mechanisms and design principles for developing FL in educational settings and beyond.



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