首页> 外文期刊>Future generation computer systems >Adaptive scheduling under memory constraints on non-dedicated computational farms

Adaptive scheduling under memory constraints on non-dedicated computational farms


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This paper presents scheduler extensions that enable better adaptation of parallel programs to the execution conditions of non-dedicated computational farms with limited memory resources. The purpose of the techniques is to prevent thrashing and co-schedule communicating threads, using two disjoint, yet cooperating extensions to the kernel scheduler. A thrashing prevention module enables memory-bound programs to adapt to memory shortage, via suspending their threads at selected points of execution. Thread suspension is used so that memory is not over-committed by parallel jobs―which are assumed to be running as guests on the nodes of the computational farm―at memory allocation points. In the event of thrashing, parallel jobs are the first to release memory and help local resident jobs make progress. Adaptation is implemented using a shared-memory interface in the /proc filesystem and upcalls from the kernel to the user space. On an orthogonal axis, co-scheduling is implemented in the kernel with a heuristic that boosts periodically the priority of communicating threads. Using experiments on a cluster of workstations, we show that when a guest parallel job competes with general-purpose interactive, I/O-intensive, or CPU and memory-intensive load on the nodes of the cluster, thrashing prevention reduces drastically the slowdown of the job at memory utilization levels of 20% or higher. The slowdown of parallel jobs is reduced by up to a factor of 7. Co-scheduling provides a limited performance improvement at memory utilization levels below 20%, but has no significant effect at higher memory utilization levels.
机译:本文介绍了调度程序扩展,它们可以使并行程序更好地适应内存资源有限的非专用计算场的执行条件。该技术的目的是通过使用内核调度程序的两个不相交但相互配合的扩展来防止抖动和共同调度通信线程。防抖动模块通过在选定的执行点挂起其线程,使受内存限制的程序能够适应内存不足的情况。使用线程挂起是为了使内存不会在内存分配点被并行作业过度占用,并行作业被假定为作为来宾在计算场的节点上运行。万一发生故障,并行作业是第一个释放内存并帮助本地常驻作业取得进展的作业。适应是使用/ proc文件系统中的共享内存接口以及从内核到用户空间的向上调用实现的。在正交轴上,以启发式方式在内核中实现协同调度,该启发式方式定期提高通信线程的优先级。通过在工作站集群上进行的实验,我们表明,当来宾并行作业与集群节点上的通用交互式,I / O密集型或CPU和内存密集型负载竞争时,防抖动功能可以大大降低内存利用率为20%或更高的作业。并行作业的速度降低了多达7倍。在内存利用率低于20%的情况下,协同调度在性能方面的改进有限,但在内存利用率较高的情况下却没有显着影响。



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