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The PERMIS X.509 role based privilege management infrastructure

机译:基于PERMIS X.509角色的特权管理基础结构

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This paper describes the EC PERMIS project, which has developed a role based access control infrastructure that uses X.509 attribute certificates (ACs) to store the users' roles. All access control decisions are driven by an authorisation policy, which is itself stored in an X.509 AC, thus guaranteeing its integrity. All the ACs can be stored in one or more LDAP directories, thus making them widely available. Authorisation policies are written in XML according to a DTD that has been published at XML.org. The Access Control Decision Function (ADF) is written in Java and the Java API is simple to use, comprising of just three methods and a constructor. There is also a Privilege Allocator, which is a tool that constructs and signs ACs and stores them in an LDAP directory for subsequent use by the ADF.
机译:本文介绍了EC PERMIS项目,该项目开发了基于角色的访问控制基础结构,该基础结构使用X.509属性证书(AC)来存储用户的角色。所有访问控制决策均由授权策略驱动,授权策略本身存储在X.509 AC中,从而保证了其完整性。可以将所有AC存储在一个或多个LDAP目录中,从而使其广泛可用。授权策略是根据XML.org上发布的DTD以XML编写的。访问控制决策功能(ADF)用Java编写,并且Java API易于使用,仅包含三个方法和一个构造函数。还有一个特权分配器,该工具可以构造和签名AC,并将它们存储在LDAP目录中,以供ADF后续使用。



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