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Overview of the performance of the JET Active Gas Handling System during and after DTE1


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The JET Active Gas Handling System (AGHS) was designed, built and commissioned to handle radioactive tritium gas mixtures safely, to supply tritium (T_2) and deuterium (D_2) to the JET torus, to process the exhaust gases with the main purpose to enrich and re-use T_2 and D_2, to detritiate tritiated impurities and to keep discharges below the approved daily release limits. In addition, the AGHS had to supply the necessary ventilation air streams during maintenance or repair inside or outside of the AGHS building. During the first Deuterium-Tritium Experiment (DTE1) at JET in 1997 the AGHS fulfilled all these tasks in an excellent manner. No unauthorised or unplanned tritium releases occurred and no operational delays were caused by the AGHS. In fact, this was the first true demonstration that quantities of tritium in the tens of grams range can be recycled safely and efficiently in a large fusion device. At the start of DTE1 20 g of tritium were available on the JET site. About 100 g of tritium were supplied from the AGHS to the users which necessitated the recycling of tritium at least five times. Approximately 220 tritium plasma shots were performed during DTE1. Large amounts of tritium were temporarily trapped in the torus. This overview presents the performance of the whole AGHS during DTE1 as well as general aspects such as the preparation for DTE1; the quantities of gases supplied from the AGHS to the users and pumped back to the AGHS; tritium accountancy; interlock systems; failure of equipment; and gives detailed information of the gas processing in each subsystem o
机译:JET活性气体处理系统(AGHS)的设计,制造和调试可安全处理放射性tri气体混合物,向JET圆环供应tri(T_2)和氘(D_2),以处理废气以达到富集的目的。并重新使用T_2和D_2,以去除tri化的杂质,并使排放物保持在批准的每日释放限度以下。另外,AGHS必须在AGHS建筑物内部或外部进行维护或维修期间提供必要的通风气流。在1997年JET的第一个氘T实验(DTE1)期间,AGHS出色地完成了所有这些任务。 AGHS并未发生未经授权或计划外的and释放,也没有造成任何操作延迟。实际上,这是第一个真正的证明,即可以在大型聚变设备中安全有效地回收数十克范围的quantities。在DTE1开始时,JET站点上有20克of。 AGHS向用户提供了约100克of,这使得至少要循环使用五次tri。在DTE1期间进行了约220次plasma等离子体发射。大量的temporarily暂时被困在圆环中。此概述介绍了DTE1期间整个AGHS的性能以及一般方面,例如DTE1的准备;从AGHS供应给用户并泵回AGHS的气体数量; t会计联锁系统;设备故障;并提供每个子系统中气体处理的详细信息



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