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Why Brazil Shouldn't Devalue


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Few thought it possible, but it appears Brazil will make it to next year without a Russia-like economic catastrophe. Brazil's reformist President, Fernando Henrique Cardoso, has won reelection, unveiled a much needed plan for reducing the budget deficit, and secured a $42 billion IMF bailout. The Sao Paulo stock index has climbed 26% since the polls closed Oct. 4, and equity strategists are once again talking about "great value plays" in Brazil. But the country is still in a lot of trouble. The recent turmoil, coupled with 42% interest rates, is plunging the world's eighth-largest economy into recession, with GDP forecast to contract as much as 3% to 4% next year. And the economy's downturn has once again raised a critical question: Will the country devalue its beleaguered currency, the real (pronounced ray-ALL), thought to be overvalued by 10% to 20%?
机译:很少有人想到这是可能的,但巴西似乎将在没有像俄罗斯那样的经济灾难的情况下实现到明年。巴西的改革派总统费尔南多·恩里克·卡多佐(Fernando Henrique Cardoso)赢得了连任,宣布了一项迫切需要的计划以减少预算赤字,并确保获得IMF 420亿美元的援助。自投票调查于10月4日结束以来,圣保罗股价指数已上涨26%,股票策略师再次谈论巴西的“巨大价值表现”。但是这个国家仍然有很多麻烦。最近的动荡加上42%的利率使全球第八大经济体陷入衰退,预计明年GDP将收缩3%至4%。经济不景气再次引发了一个关键问题:该国是否会贬低其陷入困境的货币雷亚尔,雷亚尔被高估了10%至20%?



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