首页> 外文期刊>Forest Science >A Theory of Red Pine (Pinus Koraiensis) Management for Both Timber and Commercial Seeds

A Theory of Red Pine (Pinus Koraiensis) Management for Both Timber and Commercial Seeds


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Red pine (Pinus koraiensis), is a commonly distributed species of tree in northeastern China. The wood is used for manufacturing purposes as usual, and the seeds are used as a source Of delicious food and for medical applications. Lf the top of the tree is removed at a mature age, seed Production is much enhanced. In this article, we derive optimal harvesting rules for such multiple use Management of red pine trees. In this article, we derive optimal harvesting rules for succh multiple use Intensity of removal, and the optimal date for the final felling.
机译:赤松(Pinus koraiensis)是中国东北地区常见的树种。木材通常用于制造目的,种子用作美味食品的来源并用于医疗用途。如果树木的顶部在成熟时被去除,种子的产量将大大提高。在本文中,我们推导了针对这种红松树多用途管理的最佳采伐规则。在本文中,我们推导了多次采伐强度的最佳采伐规则,以及最终采伐的最佳日期。



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