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Understanding Broadscale Wildfire Risks in a Human-Dominated Landscape


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Broadscale statistical evaluations of wildfire incidence can answer policy-relevant questions about the effectiveness of microlevel vegetation management and can identify subjects needing further study. A dynamic time series cross-sectional model was used to evaluate the statistical links between forest wildfire and vegetation management, human land use, and climatic factors in Florida counties. Four forest wildfire risk functions were estimated: one for fires regardless of ignition source, and three others for fires of specific ignition sources: arson, lightning, and accident (unintentional anthropogenic). Results suggest that current wildfire risk is negatively related to several years of past wildfire and very recent site prep burning, and risk is positively related to pulpwood removals. The effect of traditional prescribed burning on wildfire risk varies by ignition source. El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies were also significantly linked to forest wildfire risk, but a measure of the wildland-urban interface was not significant. Although these county-level results hold promise for aggregate risk assessment, modeling at finer spatial and temporal scales might further enhance our understanding of how land managers can best reduce the longer term risk of catastrophic wildfire damages.
机译:野火发生率的大规模统计评估可以回答有关微尺度植被管理有效性的政策相关问题,并可以确定需要进一步研究的主题。动态时间序列横截面模型用于评估佛罗里达州县森林野火与植被管理,人类土地利用和气候因素之间的统计联系。估计了四个森林野火风险函数:一个用于不考虑点火源的火灾,另外三个用于特定点火源的火灾:纵火,闪电和事故(非故意的人为因素)。结果表明,当前的野火风险与过去几年的野火和最近的现场准备烧成负相关,而风险与纸浆的清除成正相关。传统规定燃烧对野火风险的影响因点火源而异。 El Nino-Southern Oscillation(ENSO)海面温度(SST)异常也与森林野火风险密切相关,但对荒地-城市界面的测量并不显着。尽管这些县级结果有望进行总体风险评估,但在更精细的时空尺度上进行建模可能会进一步加深我们对土地管理者如何才能最好地减少灾难性野火损害的长期风险的了解。



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