首页> 外文期刊>Food research international >Bio-based active food packaging materials: Sustainable alternative to conventional petrochemical-based packaging materials

Bio-based active food packaging materials: Sustainable alternative to conventional petrochemical-based packaging materials


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In food industry, a growing concern is the use of suitable packaging material (i.e., biodegradable coatings and films) with enhanced thermal, mechanical and barrier characteristics to prevent from contamination and loss of foodstuff. Biobased polymer resources can be used for the development of biodegradable bioplastics. To achieve this goal, biopolymers should be economic, renewable and abundantly available. Bioplastic packaging materials based on renewable biomass could be used as sustainable alternative to petrochemically-originated plastic materials. This review summarizes the recent advancements in biopolymer-based coatings and films for active food packaging applications. Microbial polymers (PHA and PLA), wood-based polymers (cellulose, hemicellulose, starch & lignin), and protein-based polymers (gelatin, keratin, wheat gluten, soy protein and whey protein isolates) were among the materials most widely exploited for the development of smart packaging films. These biopolymers are able to synthesize coatings and films with good barrier properties against food borne pathogens and the transport of gases. Biobased reinforcements e.g., plant essential oils and natural additives to bioplastic films improve oxygen barrier, antibacterial and antifungal properties. To induce the desired functionality the simultaneous utilization of different synthetic and biobased polymers in the form of composites/ blends is also an emerging area of research. Nanoscale reinforcements into bioplastic packaging have also been reported to improve packaging characteristics ultimately increasing food shelf life. The development of bioplastic/biocomposite and nanobiocomposites exhibits high potential to replace nonbiodegradable materials with characteristics comparable to fossil-based plastics, additionally, giving biodegradable and compostable characteristics. The idea of utilization of renewable biomass and the implications of biotechnology can firstly reduce the burden from fossil-resources, while secondly promoting biobased economy.
机译:在食品工业中,越来越关注的是使用合适的包装材料(即可生物降解的涂料和薄膜),具有增强的热,机械和屏障特性,以防止食品的污染和丧失。 Biobased聚合物资源可用于开发可生物降解的生物塑料。为了实现这一目标,生物聚合物应该是经济,可再生和丰富的。基于可再生生物量的生物塑料包装材料可作为石化塑料材料的可持续替代品。本综述总结了基于生物聚合物的涂料和薄膜的最新进展,用于有源食品包装应用。微生物聚合物(PHA和PLA),基于木材的聚合物(纤维素,半纤维素,淀粉和木质素),以及基于蛋白质的聚合物(明胶,角蛋白,小麦麸质,大豆蛋白和乳清蛋白分离物)是最广泛利用的材料之一智能包装薄膜的发展。这些生物聚合物能够合成具有良好屏障性质的涂层和薄膜,对食物传统的病原体和气体的运输。生物化增强例如植物精油和生物塑料的天然添加剂改善氧气屏障,抗菌和抗真菌性质。为了诱导所需的功能,同时使用复合材料/混合物形式的不同合成和生物化聚合物也是一种新的研究领域。还据报道,纳米级增强件成生物塑料包装,提高包装特性最终提高了食品保质期。生物塑料/生物复合材料和纳米掩热剂的发展具有高潜力,可替代与化石的塑料相当的特性,另外,具有可生物降解和可堆肥的特性。利用可再生生物质的利用和生物技术的影响可以首先减少化石资源的负担,同时其次推动生物经济。



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