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NMR analyses of complex D-glucose anomerization


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Analyzing the H-1 NMR spectrum of D-glucose, the resonance frequencies of the anomeric protons of five D-glucose anomers could be determined in dependence on temperature. Besides, the relative concentrations of all cyclic D-glucose anomers could be quantified. Based on that, thermodynamic parameters were calculated. In addition, ring opening rate constants of all cyclic D-glucose anomers were measured for the first time using 1H selective blind saturation transfer NMR spectroscopy. The results presented here give rise to the assumption that furanoid anomers highly influence the reactivity of total D-glucose. Finally, the complex anomeric equilibration curves for a freshly prepared solution of crystalline alpha-D-glucopyranose are presented. Based on that, it is hypothesized that the reactivity of a solution of a reducing sugar in general and D-glucose in particular depends on time until the thermodynamic equilibrium state is reached.
机译:分析D-葡萄糖的H-1 NMR谱,可以根据温度确定五个D-葡萄糖异构体的异头质子的共振频率。此外,可以定量所有环状D-葡萄糖异构体的相对浓度。基于此,计算了热力学参数。另外,使用1 H选择性盲饱和转移NMR光谱法首次测量了所有环状D-葡萄糖异构体的开环速率常数。此处提出的结果引起了这样的假设,即呋喃类异构体会严重影响总D-葡萄糖的反应性。最后,给出了新制备的晶体α-D-吡喃葡萄糖的溶液的复杂异头平衡曲线。基于此,可以假设还原糖溶液特别是D-葡萄糖溶液的反应性尤其取决于直至达到热力学平衡状态的时间。



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