首页> 外文期刊>Food Chemistry >General acid/base catalysis of sugar anomerization

General acid/base catalysis of sugar anomerization


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Based on theoretical and mechanistical considerations, an equation is presented that describes the observed rate of a pH sensitive reaction. In contrast to the commonly used catalytic catenary, the new approach enables the calculation of non-biased thermodynamic activation parameters. Applying this model, the general acid/base catalysis of the ring opening of beta-D-fructopyranose was analyzed polarimetrically. Thereby, it could be shown that acids (bases) catalyze the ring opening of anionic (cationic) sugar species. Since anomerization rate constants correlate with the rate of sugar degradation, catalysts of anomerization will increase the sugars reactivity as well. The most effective catalysts of the ring opening of beta-D-fructopyranose in the food relevant pH milieu are weak acids and their conjugated bases. Consequently, the enhanced reactivity of reducing sugars in the presence of amino acids is not solely due to classical Maillard reaction but primarily due to carboxylic acid catalysis of degradation reactions.



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