首页> 外文期刊>Food Chemistry >Improvement of physicochemical properties of encapsulated echium oil using nanostructured lipid carriers

Improvement of physicochemical properties of encapsulated echium oil using nanostructured lipid carriers


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Implementing omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-3 PUFA), naturally found in echium oil (EO), can highly improve the nutritional value of fortified foods. However, PUFA is prone to oxidation. In this study, the role of nanostructured lipid carriers incorporated into whey protein isolate (WPI)-stabilized EO droplets in oil-in-water emulsions was analyzed. Lipid carriers such as lauric (LA), palmitic (PA), and stearic (SA) acids were used. The results reveal that lipid carriers, especially LA, improve the physical stability of these droplets by decreasing their particle size by decreasing the number of surface pores; shown by SEM images and XRD data. Rheological data further show that the emulsions incorporated with LA had higher viscosity and there was also a crossover shift to lower strains in the G'-G" curve of the emulsions incorporating LA. TBARS assay indicated that LA was more effective in protecting EO against oxidation than both palmitic and stearic acids.
机译:天然存在于雀胶油(EO)中的omega-3多不饱和脂肪酸(omega-3 PUFA)可以大大提高强化食品的营养价值。然而,PUFA易于氧化。在这项研究中,分析了纳米结构脂质载体在水包油乳液中掺入乳清蛋白分离物(WPI)稳定的EO小滴中的作用。使用脂质载体,例如月桂酸(LA),棕榈酸(PA)和硬脂酸(SA)。结果表明,脂质载体,尤其是LA,通过减少表面孔的数量来减小其粒径,从而改善了这些液滴的物理稳定性。由SEM图像和XRD数据显示。流变学数据进一步表明,掺有LA的乳液具有较高的粘度,并且掺有LA的乳液的G'-G“曲线也有向较低应变的交叉位移。TBARS分析表明LA可以更有效地保护EO免受氧化比棕榈酸和硬脂酸都高。



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