首页> 外文期刊>Fire and Materials >Comparison of the Propensity of Cigarettes to Ignite Upholstered Furniture Fabrics and Cotton Ducks (500-Fabric Study)

Comparison of the Propensity of Cigarettes to Ignite Upholstered Furniture Fabrics and Cotton Ducks (500-Fabric Study)


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The present study in investigates the validity of a test method for smoldering cigarette ignition propensity of upholstery fabrics based on using 'cotton duck' fabrics, and proposed by NIST. A comparison was made between the ignition propensity of cigarettes as assessed by (1) a set of 500 upholstery fabrics (chosen at random among typical upholstery fabrics) and (2) a test method proposed by NIST (NIST 851), and based on 'cotton duck' fabrics. The set of 500 fabrics can be assumed to be a representative cross-section of the upholstery fabrics available in the early 1990s, while the 'cotton duck' fabrics are not typical upholstery fabrics, and it was unclear whether they would behave similarity or differently from upholstery fabrics.
机译:本研究旨在研究一种由NIST提出的基于“棉鸭”织物的阴燃装饰织物的香烟着火倾向测试方法的有效性。通过以下方式对香烟的着火倾向进行了比较:(1)一套500种室内装饰织物(在典型的室内装饰织物中随机选择)和(2)NIST(NIST 851)提出的一种测试方法,基于棉鸭面料。可以假定这500种织物是1990年代初可用的代表性装饰织物的横截面,而“棉鸭”织物不是典型的装饰织物,目前尚不清楚它们的行为是否与之相似或不同。室内装饰织物。



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