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Discretizing the Continuum


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Recently we have developed a method to describe approximately the continuum states of a weakly bound system. The method consists on constructing a discrete and normalizable basis by multiplying the ground state of the system by a family of suitable orthogonal polynomials. The Hamiltonian is then diagonalized in the finite basis, giving rise to an accurate description of the excited bound states and to a discretization of the continuum. In this work we present an application of this method to describe the effect of break-up channels in the scattering of deuterons by nuclei. We investigate the case of d + ~(208)Pb at 50 MeV, where the Coulomb force, especially the dipole component, is very important. We also present an application of this method to describe thermodynamic properties associated to the vibration and eventual dissociation of ideal diatomic molecules. We investigate the temperature dependence of the heat capacity per molecule.
机译:最近,我们开发了一种方法来大致描述弱约束系统的连续状态。该方法包括通过将系统的基态乘以一族合适的正交多项式来构造离散且可归一化的基础。哈密​​顿量然后在有限的基础上被对角线化,从而产生了对激发束缚态的精确描述,并使连续体离散化。在这项工作中,我们提出该方法的应用,以描述分解通道在氘核被核散射中的作用。我们研究了在50 MeV时d +〜(208)Pb的情况,其中库仑力,尤其是偶极子分量非常重要。我们还介绍了该方法的应用,以描述与理想双原子分子的振动和最终离解相关的热力学性质。我们研究每个分子的热容量的温度依赖性。



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