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Cancer prevention and screening practices among women at risk for hereditary breast and ovarian cancer after genetic counseling in the community setting


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The context is that there are limited data regarding the management of women at risk for hereditary breast and ovarian cancer (HBOC) after genetic counseling in the community setting. The objective of the study is to examine the cancer screening and prevention behaviors among women with diverse risk factors for HBOC, counseled through a non-academic genetic counseling service. This study was designed as a retrospective telephone survey. A community/private-hospital based cancer genetic counseling service was setting. The patients studied were women, at least 21 years of age, who had undergone cancer genetic counseling with: (1) a ≥10% predicted likelihood of carrying a BRCA1/2 mutation; (2) a documented BRCA1/2 mutation. A 121-item telephone survey was intervened. Main outcome measures are (1) reason for referral, (2) genetic testing/results, and (3) screening and prevention behaviors. Sixty-nine women participated (31% response rate). Forty-nine (71%) respondents had a history of breast cancer. Forty-three women (62%) reported undergoing BRCA1/2 testing, of these, seven (16%) had a deleterious mutation; 32 (74%) received negative results and four (9%) had “inconclusive” findings. Among the seven with documented mutations; five had a personal history of breast cancer; none had a history of ovarian cancer; all had undergone bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy (BSO), while five (71%) had undergone bilateral mastectomy. Among those 62 respondents without a documented mutation, pretest likelihood of a BRCA1/2 mutation (based on established models) was as follows: 10–29% likelihood in 38 (61%); 30–59% likelihood in 16 (26%); and ≥60% likelihood in eight (13%). Of these, 16 (26%) had undergone bilateral mastectomy for treatment and/or risk-reduction while 20 (32%) had undergone BSO for risk-reduction or for “other reasons”. Almost all who had not undergone bilateral mastectomy were presenting for regular mammograms; fewer were undergoing regular breast MRI imaging. For those who had not undergone risk-reducing BSO; few were having CA-125 levels or transvaginal ultrasounds. Among those studied, the majority underwent genetic testing. A significant percentage elected to undergo risk-reducing mastectomy and BSO. Although prophylactic surgical decisions appeared to be largely influenced by BRCA mutation status, a number of women in the lower risk categories had undergone these procedures.
机译:背景是,在社区环境中进行遗传咨询后,有关遗传性乳腺癌和卵巢癌(HBOC)风险女性管理的数据有限。该研究的目的是通过非学术性遗传咨询服务,对具有多种HBOC危险因素的女性进行癌症筛查和预防行为的研究。该研究被设计为回顾性电话调查。正在建立一个基于社区/私立医院的癌症遗传咨询服务。接受研究的患者是至少21岁的女性,她们接受了癌症遗传咨询,并具有以下特征:(1)预计携带BRCA1 / 2突变的可能性≥10%; (2)有记录的BRCA1 / 2突变。干预了121个项目的电话调查。主要结局指标是(1)转诊原因,(2)基因检测/结果以及(3)筛查和预防行为。六十九名妇女参加了调查(31%的回应率)。四十九(71%)名受访者有乳腺癌病史。据报告有43名妇女(62%)接受了BRCA1 / 2测试,其中有7名(16%)具有有害的突变。 32位(74%)的结果为阴性,而4位(9%)的结果为“不确定”。在记录有突变的七个中;五个人有乳腺癌的个人病史;没有人有卵巢癌病史;所有患者均接受了双侧输卵管卵巢切除术(BSO),而五例(71%)均接受了双侧乳房切除术。在这62名没有记录到突变的应答者中,BRCA1 / 2突变的预先测试可能性(基于已建立的模型)如下:38人中有10-29%的可能性(61%); 16人中有30-59%的可能性(26%);八分之三(13%)的可能性≥60%。其中,16例(26%)接受了双侧乳房切除术治疗和/或降低风险,而20例(32%)接受了BSO降低风险或“其他原因”。几乎所有未进行过双侧乳房切除术的人都需要定期做乳房X光检查。定期进行乳房MRI成像的人数较少。对于那些未经历过降低风险的BSO的人;很少有CA-125水平或经阴道超声检查。在这些研究中,大多数接受了基因测试。很大一部分人选择接受降低风险的乳房切除术和BSO。尽管预防性外科手术决定似乎在很大程度上受BRCA突变状态的影响,但许多处于较低风险类别的妇女已经接受了这些程序。



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