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Upregulation of Galectin-3 by Corynebacterium kutscheri Infection in the Rat Lung


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Corynebacterium (C) kutscheri and Staphylococcus aureus were isolated from two Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats with a hemisected spinal cord. Grossly, gray-white bulging foci and abscesses were distributed throughout the parenchyma of the lung. Pathologically, severe necrotizing lobar pneumonia with abscesses and fibrinous pleuritis were observed. Immunohistochemical analysis found accumulation of galectin-3 in alveolar macrophages and the alveolar interstitial region. No other viral or bacterial pathogens were detected in these animals. In addition, similar pathogenic changes and accumulation of galectin-3 were observed in the lungs of SD rats experimentally infected with C. kutscheri. Using northern blot analysis, the relative galectin-3 and GAPDH mRNA levels were 4.6 to 9.3 times higher in C. kutscheri-infected lung than in uninfected controls. These results demonstrate that a single C. kutscheri infection can induce the upregulation of galectin-3 in the lung and that this molecule may have an important pathogenic role in C. kutscheri infections in rats.
机译:从脊髓半切的两只Sprague-Dawley(SD)大鼠中分离出棒状杆菌(C)kutscheri和金黄色葡萄球菌。大体上,灰白色凸起的病灶和脓肿分布在整个肺实质中。在病理上,观察到严重的坏死性大叶性肺炎伴脓肿和纤维性胸膜炎。免疫组织化学分析发现galectin-3在肺泡巨噬细胞和肺泡间质区域积聚。在这些动物中未检测到其他病毒或细菌病原体。另外,在实验感染库氏梭菌的SD大鼠的肺中观察到类似的致病性变化和galectin-3的积累。使用Northern印迹分析,在库氏梭菌感染的肺中,相对于未感染对照,galectin-3和GAPDH mRNA的相对水平高4.6至9.3倍。这些结果表明,单一的库氏假丝酵母感染可诱导肺中半乳糖凝集素-3的上调,并且该分子可能在大鼠库氏假丝酵母感染中具有重要的致病作用。



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