首页> 外文期刊>Experimental Animals >Application of nested Polymerase Chain Reaction to Detection of Mouse Hepatitis Virus in Fecal Specimens during a Natural Outbreak in an Immunodeficient Mouse Colony

Application of nested Polymerase Chain Reaction to Detection of Mouse Hepatitis Virus in Fecal Specimens during a Natural Outbreak in an Immunodeficient Mouse Colony


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The usefulness of RT-PCR for the detection of MHV in tissues and feces of experimentally infected animals has been reported, but it was unclear whether the method was also applicable for the detection of MHV during a natural outbreak. Enterotropic infection is considered to be the most common form of natural infection among various forms of MHV infection. In this paper, RT-nested PCR was performed to detect MHV excreted in the feces during an outbreak in an immunocompromised A/WySnJ mouse colony.
机译:已经报道了RT-PCR在检测实验感染的动物的组织和粪便中的MHV中的有用性,但是尚不清楚该方法是否也可用于在自然暴发期间检测MHV。促肠道感染被认为是各种形式的MHV感染中最常见的自然感染形式。在本文中,进行了RT巢式PCR,以检测免疫功能低下的A / WySnJ小鼠菌落暴发期间粪便中排泄的MHV。



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