首页> 外文期刊>European Management Review >The Emergence of Heterotopia as a Heuristic Concept to Study Organization

The Emergence of Heterotopia as a Heuristic Concept to Study Organization


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Ever since Michel Foucault shared a number of intuitions on other spaces' at a conference in 1967, a growing number of studies in social sciences have been focusing on what he then called heterotopias. Over the past 10years, organization scholars have started to use the concept in their analysis, from leadership and marketing to queer practices and critical management studies (CMS). This article presents the origin and diffusion of the concept of heterotopia in management, using social movements as an illustration of its heuristic potential. We conclude by presenting two promising future avenues of research in our field: heterotopic entrepreneurship and organizational heterotopology.
机译:自从米歇尔·福柯(Michel Foucault)在1967年的一次会议上分享了对其他空间的许多直觉之后,越来越多的社会科学研究一直专注于他当时所谓的异端症。在过去的十年中,从领导力和市场营销到酷儿实践和关键管理研究(CMS),组织学者开始在分析中使用该概念。本文使用社交运动作为其启发式潜力的例证,介绍了异位症概念在管理中的起源和传播。最后,我们提出了我们领域中两个有希望的未来研究途径:异位企业家精神和组织异质拓扑。



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