首页> 外文期刊>European Management Review >On the Uptake of Flexible Working Arrangements and the Association with Human Resource and Organizational Performance Outcomes

On the Uptake of Flexible Working Arrangements and the Association with Human Resource and Organizational Performance Outcomes


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The aim of this study was to identify bundles of flexible working arrangements (FWAs) from data provided by 1,064 organizations in seven EU countries, and to relate bundle membership to demographic variables and human resource (HR) and organizational performance outcomes. Using Ward's hierarchical clustering algorithm we identified four distinct bundles of FWAs based on the uptake of twelve individual FWAs across the sample of organizations. Bundle 1 represents organizations engaging in a high level of annual hours contracts, bundle 2 represents more traditional work practices: bundle 3 represents organizations mainly offering shift-work and bundle 4 represents organizations with a high uptake of flexi-time. The demographic profile of organizations recorded across each of the four bundles was,significantly different significant associations were found between the bundle membership and employee turnover (p < 0.001) absenteeism (p < 0.001) and productivity (p < 0.015). The implications of these results are discussed and directions for fixture research are proposed.
机译:这项研究的目的是从七个欧盟国家的1,064个组织提供的数据中识别出一揽子灵活工作安排(FWA),并将一揽子成员关系与人口统计变量,人力资源(HR)和组织绩效成果联系起来。使用Ward的层次聚类算法,我们根据整个组织样本中对十二个单独FWA的吸收情况,确定了四个不同的FWA捆绑。捆绑软件1代表从事高水平年度工时合同的组织,捆绑软件2代表更为传统的工作惯例:捆绑软件3代表主要提供轮班工作的组织,捆绑软件4代表具有较高弹性时间的组织。在四个捆绑中的每个捆绑中记录的组织的人口统计学特征是,捆绑成员与员工离职率(p <0.001)旷工(p <0.001)和生产率(p <0.015)之间存在显着不同的显着关联。讨论了这些结果的含义,并提出了夹具研究的方向。



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