首页> 外文期刊>European journal of information systems >Rethinking the place of the artefact in IS using Heidegger's analysis of equipment

Rethinking the place of the artefact in IS using Heidegger's analysis of equipment


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The IT artefact, conceived as a bundle of features or properties, is frequently seen as the core object of interest in IS. We argue that this view of IT derives from a worldview that stresses a duality between the individual and the external world. Using a stylized account of an IT implementation project, we show how this worldview conditions the phenomena that show up as most central in the IS discipline and the way mainstream theories and research approaches make sense of these phenomena. Retelling the same story through the lens of Heidegger's analysis of equipment in Being and Time (1927/1962), we present an alternative conception of IT as equipment holistically interwoven with other equipment, user practices, and individual identities. This allows rethinking what are central and peripheral concepts and phenomena in the IS discipline, and outline implications of such a shift for IS theorising, research practice and design.
机译:被视为功能或特性包的IT人工制品通常被视为IS中关注的核心对象。我们认为,这种IT观源自于强调个人与外部世界之间二重性的世界观。通过使用一个IT实施项目的程式化帐户,我们将展示这种世界观如何处理在IS学科中最为重要的现象,以及主流理论和研究方法如何理解这些现象。通过海德格尔(Heidegger)在《存在与时间》(Being and Time)(1927/1962)中对设备进行的分析来重述同一故事,我们提出了IT的替代概念,即与其他设备,用户实践和个人身份进行整体交织的设备。这样可以重新考虑IS学科中的核心和外围概念和现象,并概述这种转变对IS理论,研究实践和设计的影响。



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