首页> 外文期刊>European journal of information systems >Toward a theory of perceived benefits, affective commitment, and continuance intention in social virtual worlds: cultural values (indulgence and individualism) matter

Toward a theory of perceived benefits, affective commitment, and continuance intention in social virtual worlds: cultural values (indulgence and individualism) matter


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In this study we examine the contingent effects of two cultural values, indulgence and individualism, on the relationships between perceived benefits (utilitarian value, hedonic value, and relational capital), affective commitment, and continuance intention in social virtual worlds. We test our theoretical model in multi-group analyses using SmartPLS 2.0, based on a sample of 414 Second Life users from the U.S.A., Great Britain, and numerous other countries. By comparing the high- vs the low-indulgence subsamples, we find that indulgence weakens the effect of utilitarian value, but strengthens the effect of hedonic value, on affective commitment. Furthermore, compared with low-individualism users, the users with high-individualism showed a weaker effect of relational capital on affective commitment, as well as a weaker effect of affective commitment on continuance intention. The theoretical, empirical, and practical implications of these findings are also discussed.
机译:在这项研究中,我们研究了放纵和个人主义这两种文化价值对感知利益(功利价值,享乐价值和关系资本),情感承诺和社会虚拟世界中的持续意图之间的关系的偶然影响。我们基于SmartPLS 2.0在多组分析中测试了我们的理论模型,该模型基于来自美国,英国和许多其他国家的414 Second Life用户的样本。通过比较高放纵子样本与低放纵子样本,我们发现放纵会削弱功利价值对情感承诺的影响,但会增强享乐价值对情感承诺的影响。此外,与低个人主义的用户相比,高个人主义的用户显示关系资本对情感承诺的影响较弱,而情感承诺对持续意愿的影响较弱。还讨论了这些发现的理论,经验和实践意义。



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