首页> 外文期刊>European Journal of Control >Comparison of Filtering Methods for Reducing Residual Vibration

Comparison of Filtering Methods for Reducing Residual Vibration


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This paper compares command filtering techniques for reducing the residual vibration of computer- controlled machines. Input shaping is a relatively new technique that generates vibration-reducing commands by convolving a sequence of impulses with any desired command. The convolution product is then used as the command signal. The simple version of input shaping considered in this paper is a form of finite impulse response (FIR) noteh fil- tering designed to suppress vibration in mechanical systems. Given the great variety of FIR and infinite impulse response (llR) filiers, it is of interest to compare input shaping to conventional filtering. Sey- eral types of input shapers are presented and shown to be more effective at reducing residual vibration than any of the conventional filters considered in this paper.



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