首页> 外文期刊>European Journal of Communication >Dubravka Zarkov, The Body Of War: Media, Ethnicity, And Gender In The Break-up Of Yugoslavia

Dubravka Zarkov, The Body Of War: Media, Ethnicity, And Gender In The Break-up Of Yugoslavia

机译:杜布拉夫卡·扎尔科夫(Dubravka Zarkov),《战争遗体:南斯拉夫解体中的媒体,种族和性别》

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The interweaving of nationalist and gendered discourses and practices is a key ingredient of modern wars, and the Yugoslav wars of 1991—5 were no exception. Due to their reproductive capacities, female bodies frequently featured as symbols and markers of the nation, and served both as objects of worship and protection and as targets of violent attacks. From the very start of the conflicts, nationalist appropriations of women's bodies were attracting considerable scholarly attention, both in the region and internationally, and gave rise to several debates and publications. Faced with Dubravka Zarkov's book, a reader may therefore wonder whether another publication on the matter can really bring anything new to the debate. But a cursory glance at the introduction, however, should be enough to dispel any reservations of this kind.
机译:民族主义和性别观点与实践的交织是现代战争的重要组成部分,1991-5年的南斯拉夫战争也不例外。由于其生殖能力,女性尸体经常成为国家的象征和标志,既是崇拜和保护的对象,又是暴力袭击的目标。从冲突的一开始,民族主义对妇女机构的拨款在该地区和国际上都引起了学术界的广泛关注,并引发了几次辩论和出版物。面对杜布拉夫卡·扎尔科夫(Dubravka Zarkov)的书,读者可能会怀疑,有关此事的另一出版物是否真的可以为辩论带来新的东西。但是,粗略地看一下介绍应该足以消除这种保留。



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