首页> 外文期刊>European Journal of Communication >Anthony McNicholas, Politics, Religion and the Press: Irish Journalism in Mid-Victorian England

Anthony McNicholas, Politics, Religion and the Press: Irish Journalism in Mid-Victorian England

机译:Anthony McNicholas,政治,宗教和新闻:中维多利亚时期的爱尔兰新闻

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Particularly as a result of the famine in Ireland during the 1840s, there existed a substantial diasporic community of Irish people in England. More and more is coming to light about them, but so far little has been studied of what they themselves wrote, about their own lives and times, and their own views and values. Anthony McNicholas investigates the Irish press in England in the 1860s, a decade in which Irish politics was dominated by Fenianism. Both the Roman Catholic Church and secular nationalists wanted at this time to address and communicate with a migrant Irish reading public, though for their own distinctive reasons. The interplay between the Catholic Church and the separatist politics of the Fenian movement is the particular focus of McNicholas's study. The bulk of the book is devoted to three London newspapers: the Universal News, the Irish Liberator and the Irish News. McNicholas identifies four factors that can be applied as a measure of Irish influence: ownership, journalistic and editorial authorship, readership and address - the voice with which a newspaper spoke to its readers. For him, it is address that is crucial, for it tells us not only who the paper was aimed at, but what their cultural identities and political affiliations were most likely to be.
机译:特别是由于1840年代爱尔兰的饥荒,英格兰存在着大量的爱尔兰人流放社区。关于它们的信息越来越多,但是到目前为止,关于它们自己的著作,他们自己的生活和时代以及他们自己的观点和价值观的研究很少。安东尼·麦克尼古拉斯(Anthony McNicholas)对1860年代英国的爱尔兰新闻界进行了调查,十年来,爱尔兰的政治以芬尼主义为主导。罗马天主教会和世俗民族主义者目前都希望与移民爱尔兰读书大众打交道,尽管他们有自己独特的理由。天主教会与芬尼运动的分离主义政治之间的相互作用是麦克尼古拉斯研究的重点。这本书的主要内容是针对伦敦的三份报纸:《环球新闻》,《爱尔兰解放者》和《爱尔兰新闻》。麦克尼古拉斯(McNicholas)确定了可以用来衡量爱尔兰影响力的四个因素:所有权,新闻和社论作者的身份,读者的身份和地址-报纸对读者讲话的声音。对于他来说,这是至关重要的讲话,因为它不仅告诉我们该论文的目的是谁,而且还告诉我们他们的文化身份和政治归属最有可能是什么。



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