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Les Back, The Art of Listening

机译:Les Back,聆听的艺术

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The project of this new book by Les Back is directed against what are described as forms of intrusive empiricism and moral cannibalism. By intrusive empiricism he means claims to know others with unquestionable closeness and judge them with unequivocal confidence, as for example in television documentaries and journalistic exposes, which, in a spirit of salacious curiosity, offer 'revelation, occlusive detail, fast turnaround and an excess of "data" ' (p. 16). By moral cannibalism he means the consumption of 'images of badness, crime, vulgarity and degeneracy' that nourish the viewer's sense of moral probity, as for example in reality TV spectaculars like Big Brother, a sort of contemporary equivalent of the Victorian freak show. The sociological approach that Back advocates stands in contrast to these media forms by prizing patience, dialogue with others and careful, critical refection. It means going beneath the surface buzz and crackle of spectacle to get to unassumed evidence of the self-evident and what is remarkable in the unremarkable. It also means accepting ambivalence and doubt instead of feigning mastery, authority and certainty. What he is after is attentive listening in the interests of cautious sociological reasoning. Back identifies this with the task of sociology articulated by C. Wrighr Mills, translating the personal troubles of biography into the public issues of history and society, but notes the need to strive for this now in a post-national context.
机译:Les Back的这本新书的项目针对的是所谓的侵入性经验主义和道德食人主义形式。通过侵入性经验主义,他的意思是声称以毫无疑问的亲密关系认识他人,并以明确的信心来判断他们,例如在电视纪录片和新闻报道中,出于好奇的精神,它们提供了“启示,闭塞的细节,快速的周转和过分的追求”。的“数据”(第16页)。通过道德食人主义,他意味着消费``劣质,犯罪,粗俗和堕落的图像'',从而滋养了观众的道德正直感,例如在诸如《老大哥》(Big Brother)之类的电视真人秀中,这在某种程度上相当于维多利亚时代的怪胎节目。 Back倡导的社会学方法与这些媒体形式形成了鲜明的对比,它们表现出耐心,与他人对话以及认真而批判的反思。这意味着要从表面嗡嗡作响的眼镜下探出证据,以证明自己是不言而喻的。这也意味着接受矛盾和怀疑,而不是装作精通,权威和确定性。他追求的是为了谨慎的社会学推理而专心倾听。 Back通过C. Wrighr Mills提出的社会学任务将这一点识别出来,将传记的个人麻烦转化为历史和社会的公共问题,但指出有必要在后国家背景下为此努力。



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