首页> 外文期刊>European Journal of Communication >Mike Cormack and Niamh Hourigan (eds), Minority Language Media.

Mike Cormack and Niamh Hourigan (eds), Minority Language Media.

机译:少数族裔语言媒体的Mike Cormack和Niamh Hourigan(编辑)。

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A minority language exists because another, proximate language is spoken by far more people and so holds sway in the contexts that count. A majority language constructs other languages as minority by fact of being more pervasive and powerful. At least in Europe, over the past 20 years or so, minority languages have become officially recognized and supported, not least through a specific charter designed to protect and promote them. The question of how various media may be used to help minority languages survive is critical, and unsurprisingly is a pressing concern of those involved in their study. This valuable collection of essays deals with many of the key issues in the field of minority-language media studies. Most of the chapters are devoted to European minority languages. They move from general to more specific issues. Topics covered include the media needs of minority-language users, minority languages and multiculturalism, minority-language television campaigns, digital multimedia and minority languages, the historical development of minority-language broadcasting, the Internet and minority cultures, local television in the Basque Country, media and linguistic policy in Catalonia, translation and minority-language media, sign language and television in the UK, and Welsh television programming. Mike Cormack provides a clear and succinct introduction to the book, and Niamh Hourigan rounds it off with an outline of key themes for future scholarship in minority-language media studies. These two editors have assembled a rewarding set of essays that will not only help to bring greater attention to minority-language media but also to foster their further study.
机译:之所以存在少数语言,是因为越来越多的人会说另一种最接近的语言,因此在很重要的情况下会占主导地位。多数语言由于更普遍和更强大,因此将其他语言构造为少数语言。至少在欧洲,在过去的20年左右的时间里,少数民族语言已得到官方认可和支持,特别是通过旨在保护和促进少数民族的专门章程。如何使用各种媒体来帮助少数民族语言生存的问题至关重要,毫不奇怪的是,参与研究的人们迫切关注这些问题。这篇有价值的论文集涉及少数民族语言媒体研究领域中的许多关键问题。大多数章节都专门针对欧洲少数民族语言。他们从一般问题转向更具体的问题。涉及的主题包括少数民族语言用户的媒体需求,少数民族语言和多元文化主义,少数民族语言电视运动,数字多媒体和少数民族语言,少数民族语言广播的历史发展,互联网和少数民族文化,巴斯克地区的地方电视,加泰罗尼亚的媒体和语言政策,翻译和少数民族语言媒体,英国的手语和电视以及威尔士电视节目。迈克·科马克(Mike Cormack)为这本书提供了清晰简洁的介绍,而尼姆·霍里甘(Niamh Hourigan)则用一小部分重点主题作了总结,以供日后在少数族裔媒体研究中使用的主要奖学金。两位编辑撰写了一系列有益的论文,这些论文不仅有助于引起人们对少数民族语言媒体的更多关注,而且可以促进他们的进一步研究。



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