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C. Edwin Baker, Media Concentration and Democracy: Why Ownership Matters

机译:C. Edwin Baker,媒体集中与民主:所有权为何重要

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As this review is being written, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has just relaxed the 32-year-old Cross-Ownership Ban that prevents one entity from owning both a television station and a newspaper in the same local market. The sanction is something major media companies including News Corporation and Tribune have targeted for several years. Throughout 2007, the five FCC commissioners held meetings in six US cities and heard from a cross-section of America's electorate - thousands of concerned citizens who almost without exception spoke out against the heightened deregulation and concentrated ownership of media industries. Subsequently the US Senate Commerce Committee together voted in favour of the bipartisan Media Ownership Act of 2007 (MOA) that would require the FCC to wait at least 90 days for the public to comment before taking such actions. After all was said and done, in defiance of citizens and before their representatives in the Senate could vote on the MOA, Republican FCC chairman Kevin Martin called a vote of FCC commissioners to loosen the ban, with the relaxation passing 3:2 along party lines (Kirchgaessner, 2007).
机译:在撰写本评论时,联邦通信委员会(FCC)刚刚放宽了32年的交叉所有权禁令,该禁令禁止一个实体在同一本地市场上同时拥有电视台和报纸。制裁是包括新闻集团和论坛报在内的主要媒体公司多年来针对的目标。在整个2007年中,FCC的五名委员在美国六个城市举行了会议,并从美国选民的各个部门听到-成千上万的有关公民几乎毫无例外地表示反对放宽管制和集中媒体产业所有权。随后,美国参议院商务委员会共同投票通过了2007年的两党制媒体所有权法案(MOA),该法案要求FCC必须等待至少90天以征询公众意见,然后才能采取此类行动。毕竟,在无视公民的情况下以及在参议院的代表可以对MOA进行投票之前,共和党FCC主席凯文·马丁(Kevin Martin)呼吁FCC委员会委员们放宽禁令,放宽了党派3:2的限制(Kirchgaessner,2007年)。



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