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Andy Ruddock, Investigating Audiences

机译:安迪·鲁道克(Andy Ruddock),调查受众

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Man at a football match: 'I blame the media, all these violent films, video games and this gangsta rap . . . No wonder young people are kniving and shooting each other.' The effects paradigm may well have been thoroughly critiqued and superseded in media studies, but it remains alive and well in common-sense thinking about the media. We can of course insist that blaming the media for violence is a vast generalization, that social violence is far more complex than a behaviourist model can comprehend, but we also need to keep reiterating that media influence and power have to be considered in other ways, and primarily in terms of maintaining a sense of the legitimacy of existing political arrangements, or state-desired extensions to them. In this new textbook, Andy Ruddock reminds us that in making this point in his book Understanding Audiences (2001), he could cite both George Gerbner and Stuart Hall, and this being the case, could draw on cultivation analysis in arguing that quantitative methods are not incompatible with cultural analysis. Quite so, as others had already argued and demonstrated.
机译:男子在一场足球比赛中说:“我责怪媒体,所有这些暴力电影,视频游戏以及这帮匪徒说唱。 。 。难怪年轻人在互相伤害和开枪。在媒体研究中,效果范式可能已经被彻底地批判和取代了,但是在关于媒体的常识性思考中,它仍然是活跃的。我们当然可以坚持认为,将暴力归咎于媒体是一个普遍的现象,社会暴力远比行为主义者的模式所能理解的复杂得多,但是我们还必须重申,必须以其他方式考虑媒体的影响力和力量,主要是在保持现有政治安排或国家对它们的期望扩展的合法性方面。在这本新的教科书中,安迪·鲁多克(Andy Ruddock)提醒我们,在他的《理解观众》(2001年)一书中指出这一点时,他既可以引用乔治·格伯纳(George Gerbner),也可以引用斯图尔特·霍尔(Stuart Hall)。与文化分析不相容。正如其他人已经论证和证明的那样,情况确实如此。



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