首页> 外文期刊>European Journal of Communication >Branding Democracy: U.S. Regime Change in Post-Soviet Eastern Europe

Branding Democracy: U.S. Regime Change in Post-Soviet Eastern Europe


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The period 1989-91 was a heady time. The collapse of the Soviet Union, the end of the great experiment in Communism that had begun in 1917, was cheered on by all opponents of tyranny. As the dominos fell - Hungary, Estonia, Yugoslavia, Poland ... - so was hope awakened among democrats everywhere. That it took place with little violence, and without major resistance from the established forces, owes much to Mikhail Gorbachev's determination and ability to steer through reform while refusing to quell moves for independence with military force. The record of the USSR had been indefensible - the Gulags, the constrictions of state planning, the intolerance of opposition - so it is not surprising that, as the shackles fell, many on the Left were inspired: this time it would be different, this time a truly democratic socialism might be built.



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