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The Rise of the Artificial Artist: AI Creativity, Copyright and Database Right


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This article is a first attempt to discuss the application of copyright law to AI. It looks at the matter from two different angles: (1) the use of copyrighted content to train AI technologies ("the input"); and (2) the possible copyright or equivalent intellectual property (IP) protection of a "creative" product generated by AI technologies ("the output"). This article refers primarily to the laws of the EU and US. Both systems implement international copyright treaties, such as the Berne Convention, and follow a broadly similar approach. In the "output" section this article briefly analyses the UK rules protecting computer-generated works.
机译:本文是第一次尝试讨论版权法向AI的应用。 它从两种不同的角度看一些问题:(1)使用受版权保护的内容来训练AI技术(“输入”); (2)AI技术产生的“创意”产品的可能版权或同等知识产权(IP)保护(“产出”)。 本文主要涉及欧盟和美国的法律。 两种系统都实施国际版权条约,如伯尔尼公约,并遵循具有广泛类似的方法。 在“产出”部分中,本文简要介绍了保护计算机生成的工程的英国规则。



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