首页> 外文期刊>Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science >A Pacific oyster invasion transforms shellfish reef structure by changing the development of associated seaweeds

A Pacific oyster invasion transforms shellfish reef structure by changing the development of associated seaweeds


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Biological invasions are reshaping coastal ecosystems across the world. However, understanding the significance of such invasions is often hampered by the lack of process-based research, resulting in a limited mechanistic comprehension of novel ecological interactions and their consequences. The Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) has invaded European coasts, resulting in an astonishing transformation of the intertidal shellfish reef communities in the Wadden Sea; from reefs constructed by blue mussels only (Mytilus edulis) to mixed reefs dominated by oysters. Shellfish reefs structure the marine vegetation on soft bottoms by accumulating seaweeds. Nevertheless, assessments of the consequences of the oyster take-over have almost exclusively focused on effects on associated fauna. By constructing small-scale reefs dominated by blue mussels or oysters and following the development of seaweeds over summer, we demonstrated that oysters promoted bloom-forming green algae communities with low primary biomass and low habitat complexity. In contrast, blue mussels promoted the development of meadow-like communities dominated by habitat forming brown seaweeds of the genus Fucus, with high primary biomass and high habitat complexity. An additional field survey showed that increasing numbers of Pacific oysters on a recently invaded natural blue mussel reef significantly decreased the development of the Fucus meadow in spring. Our results indicate that the invasion of oysters may have effects on the structure and function of intertidal reef-communities by changing energy flow and habitat-function.
机译:生物入侵正在重塑全世界的沿海生态系统。但是,由于缺乏基于过程的研究,常常难以理解此类入侵的重要性,从而导致对新生态相互作用及其后果的机械理解有限。太平洋牡蛎(Crassostrea gigas)已入侵欧洲沿海地区,导致瓦登海潮间带贝类珊瑚礁群落发生了惊人的转变。从仅由蓝贻贝(Mytilus edulis)建造的礁石到以牡蛎为主的混合礁石。贝类礁石通过堆积海藻在柔软的底部构造海洋植被。尽管如此,对牡蛎收购的后果的评估几乎完全集中在对相关动物群的影响上。通过构建以蓝贻贝或牡蛎为主的小规模珊瑚礁,并跟随夏季海藻的生长,我们证明了牡蛎促进了初生生物量低且栖息地复杂性低的形成花开的绿藻群落。相比之下,蓝贻贝促进了草甸状群落的发展,这些群落以栖息地形成为富珠属的棕色海藻为生境,具有较高的原生生物量和较高的栖息地复杂性。另一项野外调查显示,在最近入侵的天然蓝贻贝礁上,太平洋牡蛎数量的增加显着降低了春季Fucus草甸的发育。我们的研究结果表明,牡蛎的入侵可能通过改变能量流和栖息地功能来影响潮间带礁群落的结构和功能。



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