首页> 外文期刊>Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science >Spatial distribution patterns and relationship between recent vegetation and diaspore bank of a brackish coastal lagoon on the southern Baltic Sea

Spatial distribution patterns and relationship between recent vegetation and diaspore bank of a brackish coastal lagoon on the southern Baltic Sea


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Submerged vegetation and the diaspore bank were investigated in the shallow brackish lagoon Salzhaff (southern Baltic Sea). The distribution, density and coverage of vegetation and diaspores were analysed at seven water depths along five transects. The submerged vegetation was dominated by the angiosperms Zostera marina, Zannichellia palustris and Potamogeton pectinatus and its depth limit varied between 2.5 and 4 m. The vegetation varied along the nutrient and Secchi depth gradient in the lagoon: charophytes were absent in the inner part of the lagoon and the depth limit of the submerged vegetation was lower than in the outer part. In contrast to the vegetation, oospores of charophytes dominated the diaspore bank independent of location and water depth on all transects. Diaspores of all recent macrophytes, except Zostera noltii, were found in the sediment surface layer. The species composition of the diaspore bank (Bray—Curtis similarity) showed differences both between wave-exposed and sheltered parts of the lagoon as well as along the nutrient and Secchi depth gradient. Oospore density in the sediment and the vegetation cover was correlated in Tolypella nidifica, Zostera marina, Ruppia cirrhosa and Zannichellia palustris. The distribution of charophyte oospores is characterised by trans-location to deeper areas, whereas seeds of Z. marina and R. cirrhosa were accumulated in vegetation stands. Furthermore, diaspore deposition of Z. palustris, R. cirrhosa, Chara baltica and T. nidifica depended on wave exposure. Zannichellia palustris showed the most wide-ranging generative recolonisation potential of all macrophytes in the lagoon.
机译:在浅咸咸水泻湖萨尔扎夫(波罗的海南部)调查了淹没的植被和渗水堤。在五个断面的七个水深处分析了植被和水生孢子的分布,密度和覆盖率。淹没的植被以被子植物Zostera marina,Zannichellia palustris和Potamogeton pectinatus为主,其深度极限在2.5至4 m之间变化。泻湖中的植被沿养分和Secchi深度梯度变化:泻湖内部不存在藻类,淹没植被的深度极限低于外部。与植被形成对比的是,在所有样带上,藻土的卵母细胞都占据了水生孢子库的位置,与位置和水深无关。在沉积物表层发现了除No. Zostera noltii外的所有最近大型植物的孢子。 diaspore库的物种组成(Bray-Curtis相似性)显示了泻湖的波浪暴露和隐蔽部分之间以及沿养分和Secchi深度梯度的差异。厚实的Tolypella nidifica,Zostera滨海区,Ruppi cirrhosa和Zannichellia palustris中的沉积物和植被覆盖层中的卵孢子密度相关。嗜藻类孢子的分布特征是易位至更深的区域,而滨海Z.和R. cirrhosa的种子则积累在植被中。此外,Z。palustris,R。cirrhosa,Chara baltica和T. nidifica的孢子沉积取决于波的暴露。在咸水湖中,所有植物都具有最大的生殖再定殖潜力。



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