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The Shaping of An Estuarine Superfund Site: Roles of Evolving Dynamics and Geomorphology


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Analysis of moored and shipboard hydrographic data along with suspended sediment data is used to provide the first comprehensive description of the dynamics and sediment transport processes of the Passaic River. The river has been highly depositional since dredging ceased in the 1940s and within this sedimentary record are high levels of contaminants including high levels of dioxins. Moored current meter data indicates that during low freshwater discharge both tidal period and residual flows favor a landward sediment flux. In contrast during moderate to high river flows the salt field is washed out of the system and results in a net downstream sediment flux that overcome the more persistent but weaker upstream flux during low river flow conditions. Consequently, with today’s channel morphology the Passaic exports sediment to Newark Bay that we estimate is approximately equal the annual loadings. This, together with historical bathymetric surveys, suggests that the channel is approaching geomorphological equilibrium. Bathymetric changes in the Passaic River over the past 60 years have significantly altered the river's ability to trap sediments and contaminants and are consistent with the fact that most of the dioxins released to the river in previous decades appear to be trapped within the channel, despite the fact that they were released within a tidal excursion of the mouth. The decline in trapping efficiency is also consistent with a simple scaling analysis that suggests that the salt water intrusion length, and thus the ability to trap sediment, scales with the cube of the channel depth. Consequently, as the estuary shoaled its ability to trap sediments and contaminants diminished rapidly.
机译:对系泊和船上水文数据以及悬浮泥沙数据的分析可用于对Passaic河的动力学和泥沙输送过程进行首次综合描述。自从1940年代停止挖泥以来,这条河一直是高度沉积的,在这一沉积记录中,污染物的含量很高,其中包括高含量的二恶英。系泊的流量计数据表明,在淡水排放量较低时,潮汐期和剩余流量均有利于陆上沉积物通量。相比之下,在中等至较高的河流流量下,盐场被冲出系统,并产生了下游净沉积物通量,该流量克服了在低河流流量条件下较持久但较弱的上游通量。因此,根据当今的河道形态,我们估计Passaic向Newark Ba​​y出口的沉积物大约等于年载量。这与历史的测深调查一起表明该航道正在接近地貌平衡。在过去60年中,Passaic河的水深变化极大地改变了该河捕获沉积物和污染物的能力,这与以下事实相符:在过去的几十年中,尽管河道中的大部分二恶英都被捕获在河道中,事实上,它们是在潮汐中释放的。捕集效率的下降也与简单的结垢分析相一致,结垢分析表明盐水入侵的长度以及捕集沉积物的能力与河道深度的立方成比例。因此,随着河口的淤积,其捕获沉积物和污染物的能力迅速降低。



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