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Music is as distracting as noise: the differential distraction of background music and noise on the cognitive test performance of introverts and extraverts


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previous research has found that introverts' performance on complex cognitive task is more negatively affected by distracts, e.g. music and background television, than by extraverts' performance. This study extended previous research by examining whether background noise would be as distracting as music. In the presence of silence, background garage music and office noise, 38 introverts and 38 extraverts carried out a reading comprehension task, a prose recall task and a mental arithmetic task.
机译:先前的研究发现,内向型人在复杂的认知任务上的表现会受到分心的负面影响,例如音乐和背景电视,而不是外向者的表演。这项研究通过检查背景噪声是否会像音乐一样分散注意力,扩展了以前的研究。 38名内向和38名外向的人在沉默,背景车库的音乐和办公室噪音的情况下执行了阅读理解任务,散文回忆任务和心理算术任务。



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