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The effects of a simulated occupational kneeling exposure on squat mechanics and knee joint load during gait


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Occupational kneeling is associated with an increased risk for tibiofemoral knee osteoarthritis. Forces on the knee in the kneeling posture, as well as the greater incidence of meniscus tears among workers, likely contribute to the increased risk. We hypothesise that an additional mechanism may contribute - altered neuromuscular control due to prolonged high knee flexion. Forty participants (20 male, 20 female) completed an evaluation of gait and squatting before, immediately following, and 30min following a 30 min simulated occupational kneeling exposure. An increase in the peak external knee adduction moment and a delay in vastus medialis activation onset during walking were observed post-kneeling, as well as increased frontal plane knee motion during squatting. This was the first investigation to find changes in high flexion transitions as a result of kneeling. Greater frontal plane knee motion may increase the risk for meniscal tears, and subsequently, knee osteoarthritis.Practitioner Summary: A 30 min simulated occupational kneeling exposure resulted in small but significant gait changes. The greatest effect was on frontal plane knee movement during squatting, which is especially relevant to occupations requiring frequent kneeling/squatting. This increased motion may indicate an increased risk of injury, which supports a link to knee osteoarthritis.
机译:职业性下跪与胫股膝盖骨关节炎的风险增加有关。跪姿时施加在膝盖上的力以及工人中半月板撕裂的发生率较高,可能会增加风险。我们假设可能有另外的机制-由于长时间高屈膝导致神经肌肉控制改变。 40名参与者(20名男性,20名女性)在模拟职业跪地暴露30分钟之前,之后和之后30分钟完成了步态和蹲姿的评估。跪后观察到峰值外膝内收力矩增加,步行过程中腓肠肌内激活开始延迟,蹲时前额膝关节运动增加。这是第一个发现跪着导致高屈曲过渡变化的研究。较大的额平面膝盖运动可能会增加半月板撕裂和随后发生膝部骨关节炎的风险。从业者摘要:30分钟的模拟职业跪地暴露会导致步态发生微小但明显的变化。最大的影响是在深蹲期间额面膝盖的运动,这尤其与需要经常下跪/蹲下的职业有关。运动的增加可能表明受伤的风险增加,这支持了与膝骨关节炎的联系。



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