首页> 外文期刊>Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry >Exposure of captive feral pigeons to fonofos-treated seed in a semifield experiment

Exposure of captive feral pigeons to fonofos-treated seed in a semifield experiment


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This study aimed to investigate factors affecting risks to birds from toxic seed treatments under typical field use. Feral pigeons (Columba livia) were exposed for 2 d to fonofos-treated wheat seeds by holding them in pens in plots sown at two depths following standard husbandry in winter sowings in English fenland. In the shallow plots, seeds were readily available to pigeons on the soil surface (8.20 seeds/0.25 m~2) while in the deep plots little seed was left uncovered (0.20 seeds/0.25 m~2). Serum butyrylcholinesterase analysis revealed negligible exposure to fonofos of birds from deep plots but significant exposure of those in shallow plots.
机译:这项研究旨在调查在典型田间使用条件下,有毒种子处理对鸟类造成影响的因素。将野鸽(Columba livia)放在笔下,在英芬兰地区进行冬季标准播种后,在两个深度播种的田块中,将它们放到经过fonofos处理的小麦种子中2天。在浅层地块中,鸽子很容易获得土壤表面的种子(8.20种子/0.25 m〜2),而在深层地块中几乎没有种子被覆盖(0.20种子/0.25 m〜2)。血清丁酰胆碱酯酶分析显示,深地鸡群对fonofos的暴露微不足道,而浅地鸡群的显着暴露。



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