Abst'/> Glyphosate has limited short-term effects on commensal bacterial community composition in the gut environment due to sufficient aromatic amino acid levels
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Glyphosate has limited short-term effects on commensal bacterial community composition in the gut environment due to sufficient aromatic amino acid levels


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AbstractRecently, concerns have been raised that residues of glyphosate-based herbicides may interfere with the homeostasis of the intestinal bacterial community and thereby affect the health of humans or animals. The biochemical pathway for aromatic amino acid synthesis (Shikimate pathway), which is specifically inhibited by glyphosate, is shared by plants and numerous bacterial species. Severalin vitrostudies have shown that various groups of intestinal bacteria may be differently affected by glyphosate. Here, we present results from an animal exposure trial combining deep 16S rRNA gene sequencing of the bacterial community with liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC-MS) based metabolic profiling of aromatic amino acids and their downstream metabolites. We found that glyphosate as well as the commercial formulation Glyfonova®450 PLUS administered at up to fifty times the established European Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI = 0.5 mg/kg body weight) had very limited effects on bacterial community composition in Sprague Dawley rats during a two-week exposure trial. The effect of glyphosate on prototrophic bacterial growth was highly dependent on the availability of aromatic amino acids, suggesting that the observed limited effect on bacterial composition was due to the presence of sufficient amounts of aromatic amino acids in the intestinal environment. A strong correlation was observed between intestinal concentrations of glyphosate and intestinal pH, which may partly be explained by an observed reduction in acetic acid produced by the gut bacteria. We conclude that sufficient intestinal levels of aromatic amino acids provided by the diet alleviates the need for bacterial synthesis of aromatic amino acids and thus prevents an antimicrobial effect of glyphosatein vivo. It is however possible that the situation is different in cases of human malnutrition or in production animals.Graphical abstractDisplay OmittedHighlightsFirst animal exposure trial to focus on the impact of glyphosate on gut bacteria.Glyphosate has very limited effects on the gut microbiota compositionin vivo.Intestinal aromatic amino acids alleviate the antimicrobial effect of glyphosate.Oral glyphosate exposure increases the pH in the intestinal content.Oral exposure to glyphosate in rats at fifty times the acceptable daily intake for humans has negligible effects on the gut microbiota composition due to sufficientin situaromatic amino acid levels.
机译: 摘要 最近,人们担心基于草甘膦的除草剂残留可能会干扰肠道细菌群落的体内平衡,从而影响健康人类或动物。草甘膦特异性抑制的芳香族氨基酸合成的生化途径(Shikimate途径)被植物和许多细菌共有。多项体外研究表明,草甘膦可能会不同程度地影响肠道细菌。在这里,我们介绍了一项动物暴露试验的结果,该试验结合了细菌群落的深16S rRNA基因测序与基于液相色谱质谱法(LC-MS)的芳香族氨基酸及其下游代谢产物的代谢谱分析。我们发现草甘膦以及商业配方Glyfonova ® 450 PLUS的施用量是既定的欧洲可接受的每日摄入量的50倍(ADI = 0.5 mg / kg体重在为期两周的暴露试验中,Sprague Dawley大鼠的细菌群落组成对细菌群落组成的影响非常有限。草甘膦对原养细菌生长的影响高度依赖于芳香族氨基酸的可用性,这表明观察到的对细菌组成的有限影响是由于肠道环境中存在足够量的芳香族氨基酸。肠道内草甘膦的浓度与肠道pH值之间存在很强的相关性,这在一定程度上可以通过观察到的肠道细菌产生的乙酸减少来解释。我们得出的结论是,饮食中提供的肠道内足够水平的芳香族氨基酸可以减轻细菌合成芳香族氨基酸的需要,从而可以防止草甘膦在体内的抗菌作用。但是,在人类营养不良或生产性动物的情况下,情况可能会有所不同。 图形摘要 省略显示< / ce:simple-para> 突出显示 首次关注的动物暴露试验草甘膦对谷类药物的影响细菌。 草甘膦对体内肠道菌群组成的影响 肠道中的芳香族氨基酸减轻了草甘膦的抗菌作用。 口服草甘膦增加肠道中的pH值。 大鼠在草甘膦中的口服暴露人体每日可接受摄入量的50倍对人体的影响可忽略不计肠道微生物群的组成是由于足够的原位芳族氨基酸水平。



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