Abst'/> Removal of the pesticide tebuconazole in constructed wetlands: Design comparison, influencing factors and modelling
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Removal of the pesticide tebuconazole in constructed wetlands: Design comparison, influencing factors and modelling


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AbstractConstructed wetlands (CWs) are a promising technology to treat pesticide contaminated water, but its implementation is impeded by lack of data to optimize designs and operating factors. Unsaturated and saturated CW designs were used to compare the removal of triazole pesticide, tebuconazole, in unplanted mesocosms and mesocosms planted with five different plant species:Typha latifolia, Phragmites australis,Iris pseudacorus,Juncus effususandBerula erecta. Tebuconazole removal efficiencies were significantly higher in unsaturated CWs than saturated CWs, showing for the first time the potential of unsaturated CWs to treat tebuconazole contaminated water. An artificial neural network model was demonstrated to provide more accurate predictions of tebuconazole removal than the traditional linear regression model. Also, tebuconazole removal could be fitted an area-based first order kinetics model in both CW designs. The removal rate constants were consistently higher in unsaturated CWs (range of 2.6–10.9 cm d−1) than in saturated CWs (range of 1.7–7.9 cm d−1) and higher in planted CWs (range of 3.1–10.9 cm d−1) than in unplanted CWs (range of 1.7–2.6 cm d−1) for both designs. The low levels of sorption of tebuconazole to the substrate (0.7–2.1%) and plant phytoaccumulation (2.5–12.1%) indicate that the major removal pathways were biodegradation and metabolization inside the plants after plant uptake. The main factors influencing tebuconazole removal in the studied systems were system design, hydraulic loading rate and plant presence. Moreover, tebuconazole removal was positively correlated to dissolved oxygen and all nutrients removal.Graphical abstractDisplay OmittedHighlightsThe pesticide tebuconazole (TEB) removal was investigated in different CW designs.Unsaturated CWs had higher TEB removal than saturated CWs.Plant uptake and biodegradation were the main removal pathway in both designs.System design, plant presence and hydraulic loading rate affected TEB removal.TEB removal was accurately modelled through an artificial neural network model.System design, plant presence and species and HLR influence tebuconazole treatment in CWs, and the removal can be described by an artificial neural network model.
机译: 摘要 人工湿地(CW)是一种有前途的技术来处理农药污染的水,但是由于缺乏优化设计和设计所需的数据,该方法的实施受到了阻碍。操作因素。使用未饱和和饱和CW设计比较了未种植的中膜和种植有五种不同植物的中膜的三唑类农药戊丁康的去除:阔叶香蒲,芦苇虹膜假单胞菌尿unc 勃起的贝拉帽。在不饱和废水中,戊唑醇的去除效率显着高于饱和废水,这首次显示了不饱和废水在处理戊唑醇污染水中的潜力。事实证明,与传统的线性回归模型相比,人工神经网络模型可以更准确地预测戊唑醇的去除量。同样,在两个连续波设计中,戊唑醇的去除都可以拟合为基于面积的一阶动力学模型。在非饱和CW(2.6–10.9 cm d -1 )范围内的去除速率常数始终高于在饱和CW(1.7–7.9 cm d ce:sup loc =“ post”>-1 )和更高的种植CW(范围为3.1–10.9 cm d -1 )两种设计都比未植入的CW(1.7-2.6 cm d -1 的范围)大。戊唑醇对底物的吸附水平低(0.7–2.1%)和植物的植物蓄积(2.5–12.1%)表明,主要的去除途径是植物吸收后植物内部的生物降解和代谢。在研究的系统中影响戊唑醇去除的主要因素是系统设计,水力负荷率和工厂存在。此外,戊唑醇的去除与溶解氧和所有营养物质的去除呈正相关。 图形摘要 省略显示 突出显示< / ce:section-title> 在以下地点对戊丁康唑(TEB)农药的去除进行了研究不同的CW德西gns。 未饱和的CW比饱和的CW具有更高的TEB清除。 植物的吸收和生物降解是两种设计的主要去除途径。 系统设计,工厂存在和水力加载速率会影响TEB的去除。 通过人工神经网络模型准确地模拟了TEB去除。 系统设计,植物的存在和物种以及HLR影响CW中戊唑醇的处理,其去除可以通过人工神经网络模型进行描述。



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