首页> 外文期刊>Environmental Pollution >Municipal plastic recycling at two areas in China and heavy metal leachability of plastic in municipal solid waste

Municipal plastic recycling at two areas in China and heavy metal leachability of plastic in municipal solid waste


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The total plastic waste generation in China has not been reported due to a lack of information on diverted recyclable wastes. This study was conducted with two objectives: to identify the characteristics of plastic waste generation, recycling, and compositions in informal and formal waste management sectors in selected Shenzhen (SZ) and Honghuatao Town (HT) study areas in China and to measure the leachability of the heavy metals of waste plastics using the synthetic precipitation leaching procedure (SPLP) and leaching tests with different pHs. The results showed that film plastic waste occupied the largest proportion among plastic components in the mixed MSW. It is estimated that the plastic waste generation rates in SZ and HT were 0.20-0.33 kg/capita/day and 0.08-0.14 kg/capita/day, respectively. The plastic recycling rates of SZ and HT ranged from 6.24 to 11.93% and 16.84-33.31%, respectively. Among the measured heavy metals, Ba, Zn, Cu, Mn contents were high in most plastic samples. In addition, Mn, Pb, Ni, and Zn in plastic wastes occasionally exceeded Chinese national drinking water standards in the different pH leaching tests and SPLP. Therefore, it is suggested that plastic waste should be managed in a controlled manner. (C) 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:由于缺乏有关转移的可回收废物的信息,尚未报告中国的总塑料废物。本研究是用两个目标进行的:确定在中国选定的深圳(SZ)和洪湖镇(HT)研究领域的非正式和正式废物管理部门中的塑料废物产生,回收和组成的特征,并测量透明性使用合成沉淀浸出程序(SPLP)和具有不同pH的浸出试验的废塑料的重金属。结果表明,薄膜塑料废物在混合MSW中的塑料部件中占据了最大比例。据估计,Sz和HT中的塑料废弃物率分别为0.20-0.33千克/会可/天,分别为0.08-0.14千克/天/日。 Sz和HT的塑料回收率分别为6.24至11.93%和16.84-33.31%。在测量的重金属中,Ba,Zn,Cu,Mn含量在大多数塑料样品中高。此外,塑料废物中的Mn,Pb,Ni和Zn偶尔会超过中国国家饮用水标准的不同pH浸出试验和SPLP。因此,建议应以受控的方式管理塑料废物。 (c)2020 elestvier有限公司保留所有权利。


  • 来源
    《Environmental Pollution》 |2020年第5期|114074.1-114074.9|共9页
  • 作者单位

    Peking Univ Sch Environm & Energy Key Lab Ecoefficient Recycled Mat Shenzhen Grad Sch Shenzhen 518055 Guangdong Peoples R China;

    Peking Univ Sch Environm & Energy Key Lab Ecoefficient Recycled Mat Shenzhen Grad Sch Shenzhen 518055 Guangdong Peoples R China;

    Jeju Natl Univ Coll Ocean Sci Dept Environm Engn 102 Jejudaehak Ro Jeju Si 63243 Jeju Special Se South Korea;

  • 收录信息 美国《科学引文索引》(SCI);美国《工程索引》(EI);美国《生物学医学文摘》(MEDLINE);美国《化学文摘》(CA);
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  • 正文语种 eng
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