首页> 外文期刊>Environmental Pollution >Digestive utilization of ozone-exposed forage by rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus)

Digestive utilization of ozone-exposed forage by rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus)


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A mixture of common Southern Piedmont (USA) grassland species (Lolium arundinacea, Paspalum dilatatum, Cynodon dactylon and Trifolium repens) was exposed to O_3 [ambient (non-filtered; NF) and twice-ambient (2X) concentrations] and fed to individually caged New Zealand white rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) in a digestibility experiment. Forages and feed refusals were analyzed for concentrations of total cell wall constituents, lignin, crude protein, and soluble and hydrolyzable phenolic fractions. Neutral detergent fiber and acid detergent fiber digestibility by rabbits were significantly lower for 2X than NF forage. Decreased digestibility could not be attributed to lignin concentrations, but was associated with increased concentrations of acid-hydrolyzable and saponifiable phenolics. Exposure of forage to elevated O_3 resulted in decreased digestible dry matter intake by rabbits. Elevated O_3 concentrations could be expected to have a negative impact on forage quality, resulting in decreased nutrient utilization by mammalian herbivores in Southern Piedmont grasslands under projected future climate scenarios.
机译:将南部皮埃蒙特(美国)常见草地物种(黑麦草,Pa草,犬齿草和白三叶草)的混合物暴露于O_3(环境(未过滤; NF)和两倍环境(2X)浓度)下,分别喂养在消化实验中关押的新西兰白兔(Oryctolagus cuniculus)。分析了饲料和拒食的总细胞壁成分,木质素,粗蛋白以及可溶性和可水解酚类馏分的浓度。兔子的中性清洁剂纤维和酸性清洁剂纤维的消化率是NF饲料的2倍。消化率的下降不能归因于木质素的浓度,而是与酸水解和皂化酚浓度的增加有关。饲草暴露于较高的O_3会降低兔子的可消化干物质摄入量。预计O_3浓度升高将对草料质量产生负面影响,在预计的未来气候情景下,南部皮埃蒙特草原的草食动物将减少养分利用。



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