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The Significance of the Non-Timber Forest Products Policy for Forest Ecology Management: A Case Study in West Bengal, India


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A precise non-timber forest products (NTFPs) policy can play an important role in the preservation of the forest resource base. By promoting systematic and sustainable harvesting of forest products, the exploitation of forest resources can be reduced and the socio-economic status of marginal forest dwellers can also be improved, which will subsequently reduce illegal timber harvesting. In India, brief guidelines for the harvesting of NTFPs are placed in the Joint Forest Management resolution. However, these guidelines are not equally effective in all states because of micro-level geophysical variances, forest-human relationships and the characteristics of the forests. Therefore, some south Indian states such as Tamil Nadu, Orissa and Andhra Pradesh have developed their own NTFP harvesting policy for the sustainable management of forests through the socio-economic enhancement of forest dwellers. However, in West Bengal the central government's guidelines are still followed. This paper examines the need for a precise NTFP harvesting policy for the management of forests in West Bengal through the socio-economic improvement of forest fringe tribal communities.
机译:精确的非木材林产品政策可以在保护森林资源基础中发挥重要作用。通过促进系统和可持续的林产品采伐,可以减少对森林资源的开发,还可以改善边缘森林居民的社会经济状况,从而减少非法采伐木材。在印度,联合森林管理决议中规定了非木材林采伐的简要指导原则。但是,由于微观地球物理差异,森林与人的关系以及森林的特征,这些指南在所有州都并非同等有效。因此,印度南部一些州,例如泰米尔纳德邦(Tamil Nadu),奥里萨邦(Orissa)和安得拉邦(Andhra Pradesh),已经制定了自己的NTFP采伐政策,以通过森林居民的社会经济发展来可持续管理森林。但是,在西孟加拉邦,仍然遵循中央政府的指导方针。本文探讨了通过森林边缘部落社区的社会经济改善,需要有一个精确的NTFP采伐政策来管理西孟加拉邦的森林。



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