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The Effects of Long-Term Grazing Exdosures on Range Plants in the Central Anatolian Region of Turkey


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Over the last fifty years, almost half of the steppe rangeland in the Central Anatolian Region of Turkey (CAR) has been converted to cropland without an equivalent reduction in grazing animals. This shift has led to heavy grazing pressure on rangeland vegetation. A study was initiated in June 2003 using 6 multiscale Modified-Whittaker plots to determine differences in plant composition between areas that have not been grazed in 27 years with neighboring grazed plant communities. A total of 113 plant species were identified in the study area with the ungrazed plots containing 32 plants more than the grazed plots. The major species were Astragalus acicularis, Bromus tomentellus, Festuca valesiaca, Genista albida, Globu-laria orientalis, Poa bulbosa, and Thymus spyleus ssp rosulans. Grazing impacts on forbs were more pronounced than for grasses and shrubs. Based on Jaccard's index, there was only a 37% similarity of plant species between the two treatments. Our study led to four generalizations about the current grazing regime and long-term exclosures in the steppe range-land around the study area: (1) exclosures will increase species richness, (2) heavy grazing may have removed some plant species, (3) complete protection from grazing for a prolonged period of time after a long history of grazing disturbance may not lead to an increase in desirable plant species with a concomitant improvement in range condition, and (4) research needs to be conducted to determine how these rangelands can be improved.
机译:在过去的五十年中,土耳其中部安那托利亚地区(CAR)的草原牧场几乎有一半已转变为农田,而放牧动物却没有相应减少。这种转变给牧场植被带来了沉重的放牧压力。一项研究始于2003年6月,使用6个多尺度Modified-Whittaker样地来确定27年来未放牧的区域与邻近的放牧植物群落之间植物组成的差异。在研究区域中共鉴定出113种植物,未耕地的地块比放牧的地块多32种植物。主要种类为针叶黄芪,毛布鲁姆斯,巴氏羊茅,白叶青天牛,侧柏Glolar-laria,Poa bulbosa和百里香ssp rosulans。放牧对草丛的影响比对草和灌木的影响更为明显。根据雅卡德指数,两种处理之间植物物种的相似度仅为37%。我们的研究对研究区域周围的草原牧场当前的放牧方式和长期暴露进行了四项概括:(1)暴露会增加物种丰富度;(2)大量放牧可能去除了一些植物物种,(3 )在长期的放牧干扰史后,长时间内完全保护免受放牧可能不会导致所需植物种类的增加以及范围条件的改善,并且(4)需要进行研究以确定这些牧场的方式可以改善。



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