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A Comparison of Spatial and Spectral Image Resolution for Mapping Invasive Plants in Coastal California


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We explored the potential of detecting three target invasive species: iceplant (Carpobrotus edulis), jubata grass (Cortaderia jubata), and blue gum (Eucalyptus globulus) at Vandenberg Air Force Base, California. We compared the accuracy of mapping six communities (intact coastal scrub, iceplant invaded coastal scrub, iceplant invaded chaparral, jubata grass invaded chaparral, blue gum invaded chaparral, and intact chaparral) using four images with different combinations of spatial and spectral resolution: hyperspectral AVIRIS imagery (174 wavebands, 4 m spatial resolution), spatially degraded AVIRIS (174 bands, 30 m), spectrally degraded AVIRIS (6 bands, 4 m), and both spatially and spectrally degraded AVIRIS (6 bands, 30 m, i.e., simulated Landsat ETM data). Overall success rates for classifying the six classes was 75% (kappa 0.7) using full resolution AVIRIS, 58% (kappa 0.5) for the spatially degraded AVIRIS, 42% (kappa 0.3) for the spectrally degraded AVIRIS, and 37% (kappa 0.3) for the spatially and spectrally degraded AVIRIS. A true Landsat ETM image was also classified to illustrate that the results from the simulated ETM data were representative, which provided an accuracy of 50% (kappa 0.4). Mapping accuracies using different resolution imagesrnare evaluated in the context of community heteroge neity (species richness, diversity, and percent species cover). Findings illustrate that higher mapping accu racies are achieved with images possessing high spec tral resolution, thus capturing information across the visible and reflected infrared solar spectrum. Under standing the tradeoffs in spectral and spatial resolution can assist land managers in deciding the most appro priate imagery with respect to target invasives and community characteristics.
机译:我们探索了在加利福尼亚州范登堡空军基地检测三种目标入侵物种的潜力:冰厂(Carpobrotus edulis),朱巴塔草(Cortaderia jubata)和蓝胶(Eucalyptus globulus)。我们比较了使用四个具有不同空间和光谱分辨率组合的图像对六个社区(完整的沿海灌木丛,冰草入侵的沿海灌木丛,冰厂入侵的丛林,朱巴塔草入侵的丛林,蓝胶入侵的丛林和完整的丛林)进行制图的准确性:高光谱AVIRIS图像(174个波段,空间分辨率为4 m),空间退化的AVIRIS(174个波段,30 m),光谱退化的AVIRIS(6个波段,4 m)以及空间和频谱退化的AVIRIS(6个波段,30 m,即模拟Landsat ETM数据)。使用全分辨率AVIRIS对这六个类别进行分类的总体成功率为75%(kappa 0.7),对于空间退化的AVIRIS为58%(kappa 0.5),对于光谱退化的AVIRIS为42%(kappa 0.3),以及37%(kappa 0.3) )用于在空间和光谱上退化的AVIRIS。真实的Landsat ETM图像也被分类以说明模拟ETM数据的结果具有代表性,其准确度为50%(kappa 0.4)。在社区异质性(物种丰富度,多样性和物种覆盖率)的背景下,评估了使用不同分辨率图像绘制的精度。结果表明,具有高光谱分辨率的图像可实现更高的制图精度,从而捕获可见和反射红外太阳光谱中的信息。直言不讳,在光谱和空间分辨率上的权衡可以帮助土地管理者针对目标侵入物和群落特征决定最合适的图像。



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