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Cumulative Industrial Activity Alters Lotic Fish Assemblages In Two Boreal Forest Watersheds Of Alberta, Canada


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We evaluated the cumulative effects of land use disturbance resulting from forest harvesting, and exploration and extraction of oil and gas resources on the occurrence and structure of stream fish assemblages in the Kakwa and Simonette watersheds in Alberta, Canada. Logistic regression models showed that the occurrence of numerically dominant species in both watersheds was related to two metrics defining industrial activity (i.e., percent disturbance and road density), in addition to stream wetted width, elevation, reach slope, and percent fines. Occurrences of bull trout, slimy sculpin, and white sucker were negatively related to percent disturbance and that of Arctic grayling, and mountain whitefish were positively related to percent disturbance and road density. Assessments of individual sites showed that 76% of the 74 and 46 test sites in the Kakwa and Simonette watersheds were possibly impaired or impaired. Impaired sites in the Kakwa Watershed supported lower densities of bull trout,rnmountain whitefish, and rainbow trout, but higher densities of Arctic grayling compared to appropriate reference sites. Impaired sites in the Simonette Watershed supported lower densities of bull trout, but higher densities of lake chub compared to reference sites. Our data suggest that current levels of land use disturbance alters the occurrence and structure of stream fish assemblages.
机译:我们评估了森林砍伐,油气资源的勘探和开采对加拿大艾伯塔省卡瓦和西蒙妮特流域的流鱼类组合的发生和结构的累积影响。 Logistic回归模型显示,两个流域中数字优势物种的发生与两个定义工业活动的指标(即扰动百分比和道路密度)有关,除了溪流的湿润宽度,高度,到达坡度和罚款百分比外。牛鳟鱼,粘糊糊的杜鹃和白色抽油烟的发生与干扰百分率呈负相关,而北极白鲑的发生与干扰百分率和道路密度呈正相关。对单个站点的评估表明,在卡夸河和西蒙奈特流域的74个和46个测试站点中,有76%可能受到损害或受损。卡瓦河集水区的受灾地点支持较低的牛鳟鱼,山白鲑和虹鳟鱼的密度,但与适当的参考地点相比,北极河鳟的密度较高。与参考点相比,西蒙奈特河集水区中受损的站点支持较低密度的斗牛,但较高的湖密度。我们的数据表明,当前土地利用扰动的程度改变了溪流鱼类种群的发生和结构。



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