首页> 外文期刊>Environmental earth sciences >In situ measurements of radionuclide concentrations in south of Mugla city, Turkey

In situ measurements of radionuclide concentrations in south of Mugla city, Turkey


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The paper presents distribution of radionuclide elements for different samples of igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks in the south of Mugla city, Turkey. The composite image maps for each of radioelement ratios (eU, eTh and K), radiogenic heat-producing map (RHP) and absorbed dose rate of these radionuclides in air were calculated and generated anomaly maps. The obtained results were compared with geological units of the study area. It has been observed that western side of the study area (the Bodrum Peninsula) is mainly characterized volcanic rocks that display high radioactivity concentrations (for U, Th, and K, 120.2 Bq/kg, 101.60 Bq/kg, and 690.1 Bq/kg, respectively). The latite-andesite association causes higher Th concentrations (varying between 1.5 and 101.6 Bq/kg). Higher U and Th anomalies are close relation with the mineral compositions of the volcanic rocks and their silica contents. Due to K-bearing minerals such as K-feldspar (orthoclase, sanidine, biotite) higher K concentrations are determined. On the other hand, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks is dominant in the eastern side of the study area. The sedimentary units have the lowest radioactive concentrations (for U, Th, and K, 8, 0.20, and 24 Bq/kg, respectively), whereas marble and cherty marbles has higher U and K concentrations. It has been also seen that schist and calc-schists exhibit important thorium enrichment (80-100 Bq/kg).
机译:本文介绍了土耳其穆拉市南部火成岩,变质岩和沉积岩样品的放射性核素元素分布。计算了每种放射性元素比率(eU,eTh和K)的合成图像图,放射源生热图(RHP)和这些放射性核素在空气中的吸收剂量率,并生成了异常图。将获得的结果与研究区域的地质单位进行比较。已经观察到,研究区域(博德鲁姆半岛)的西侧主要是火山岩,其放射性浓度高(U,Th和K分别为120.2 Bq / kg,101.60 Bq / kg和690.1 Bq / kg)。 , 分别)。红土与安山岩的结合导致较高的Th浓度(在1.5和101.6 Bq / kg之间变化)。较高的U和Th异常与火山岩的矿物成分及其二氧化硅含量密切相关。由于含钾的矿物质,例如钾长石(原长石,山铁矿,黑云母),因此确定了较高的钾浓度。另一方面,变质岩和沉积岩在研究区的东部占主导地位。沉积单元的放射性浓度最低(分别为U,Th和K,分别为8、0.20和24 Bq / kg),而大理石和轻质大理石具有较高的U和K浓度。还已经看到片岩和钙片岩表现出重要的th富集(80-100 Bq / kg)。



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