首页> 外文期刊>Environmental Engineering and Policy >Analysis of the possibilities for discussing questions of global justice in geography classes on the use of methods of empirical social research when analyzing the teaching of geography in class

Analysis of the possibilities for discussing questions of global justice in geography classes on the use of methods of empirical social research when analyzing the teaching of geography in class


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This study examines students' orientations with regard to questions on the implementation of justice in production structures of the global textile industry. The students worked with the Mystery Method from the Thinking Through Geography approach by David Leat and with Lawrence Kohlberg's Method of Dilemma Discussion. During this process, the pupils developed complex questions which were highly imbued with normativity. For this purpose, Ralf Bohnsack's documentary method was used as a research instrument complex enough to capture and evaluate both explicit and implicit knowledge on the part of the students in complex situations of teaching and learning. It has been reconstructed that students prefer morally complex approaches, differentiated in terms of content, when addressing processes of globalization in class. Based on the results of the present study, it is strongly recommended to use both methods in social science subjects (also biology and physics didactics) to foster the acquisition of complex personal, social, and political competence.
机译:这项研究调查了学生对全球纺织行业生产结构中的司法执行问题的取向。学生们采用了大卫·利特(David Leat)的“地域思维方法”中的“神秘方法”,以及劳伦斯·科尔伯格(Lawrence Kohlberg)的“困境讨论方法”。在此过程中,学生们提出了复杂的问题,这些问题充满了规范性。为此,拉尔夫·博恩萨克(Ralf Bohnsack)的记录方法被用作一种复杂的研究工具,足以捕获和评估处于复杂教学环境中的学生的显性知识和隐性知识。可以重建的是,当学生在课堂上解决全球化问题时,他们倾向于在内容上有所区别的道德复杂的方法。根据本研究的结果,强烈建议在社会科学科目中同时使用这两种方法(以及生物学和物理教学法),以促进获得复杂的个人,社会和政治能力。



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