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Courts Seek Common-Sense Applications to Curb Prosecutions Under Bird Law


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In the summer of 1961, flocks of disoriented seabirds began plunging toward buildings in Monterey Bay, Calif. This bizarre incident served as the inspiration for The Birds, Alfred Hitchcock's classic 1963 thriller.1 Although wildlife "mass deaths" are not particularly rare-the federal government receives between 160 and 200 reports of such events each year-even relatively minor incidents often generate substantial media coverage.2 For example, after thousands of birds in central Arkansas died in a mass death event tied to New Year's Eve fireworks on Dec. 31, 2010, media outlets were quick to report on the death of "about 100 blackbirds" in the same area on Dec. 31, 2011.3 Other events are more severe. In one recent incident, several thousand migratory birds crashed into snow-covered landmarks in St.
机译:1961年夏天,成群迷失方向的海鸟开始涌入加利福尼亚州蒙特雷湾的建筑物。这一奇异的事件启发了阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克1963年经典惊悚片《鸟类》的灵感。1尽管野生生物“大量死亡”并不罕见-联邦政府每年都会收到160到200例此类事件的报告,即使相对较小的事件也经常引起媒体的广泛报道。2例如,阿肯色州中部的数千只鸟在12月除夕烟花爆竹事件中丧生。 2010年3月31日,媒体迅速报道了2011年12月31日同一地区“约100只黑鸟”死亡。3其他事件更为严重。在最近的一次事件中,数千只候鸟坠毁在圣雪覆盖的地标上



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