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Critical Minerals Bill Backed by Interior, But Funding, Research Questions Raised


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Sen. Lisa Murkowski's (R-Alaska) critical minerals bill has the right goal, but federal funding issues and recycling research questions could present obstacles, an Interior Department official and a Senate Democrat said at a May 12 hearing. The American Mineral Security Act of 2015 (S. 883), the subject of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources hearing, aims to make the U.S. less reliant on other countries for critical minerals used in technology for clean energy, defense and even cell phones. The bill would /streamline permitting for certain mines, among other actions, but Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) expressed concern regarding the lack of environmental focus in the bill, and Suzette Kimball, acting director for the U.S. Geological Survey, said the activities authorized would be competing for department funds.
机译:内政部官员和参议院民主党人在5月12日的听证会上说,参议员丽莎·默科夫斯基(R-Alaska)的关键矿物法案有正确的目标,但联邦资金问题和回收研究问题可能会构成障碍。参议院能源和自然资源委员会听证会的主题是《 2015年美国矿物安全法》(第883号),旨在使美国减少对其他国家的清洁能源,国防甚至电池技术所用关键矿物的依赖电话。该法案将/简化某些矿山的行动,但包括其他行动,但参议员弗兰肯(D-Minn。)对该法案缺乏环保重点表示关注,美国地质调查局局长苏泽特·金博尔(Suzette Kimball)表示。授权的活动将争夺部门资金。



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